Travel Tip: Boardbags & Flights
In this guide, we'll take a look at:
- 1. The Friendly and not friendly airlines for surfers
- 2. Not so friendly airlines for surfers
- 3. Worst-offending airlines for surfers
The Friendly and not friendly airlines for surfers
Most of the following airlines include a surfboard as part of your regular bag allowance, and let that sled fly for FREE. These are our preferred ‘surfer-friendly airlines,’ and we recommend that you travel with them. You might have to pay a little more to book your ticket, but it’s better than paying an extra $400-$600 to take your quiver both ways.
● Alaska (NEW ’17 free in place of check-in)
● Virgin (Europe)
● Interjet (Mexico)
● Qantas (Australia)
● South Africa (duh)
● Air New Zealand
● Singapore
Not so friendly airlines for surfers
The following airlines you will probably not want to travel with, as they charge over $150 for your board each way.
● Avianca (TACA)
● Delta
● Hawaii Airlines
● Iberia
● Japan Air
● Lufthansa
● US Air (our reader Jim says they unzipped his bag and counted his boards and charged him $150 each)
● Northwest
Worst-offending airlines for surfers
These should only be used by people who can spend a lot of money for each way. Most surfers are looking to save money when they travel, so if you have to fly on these airlines, it’s probably better to just rent a board at your destination, or even buying a cheap one there.
● Alitalia $260
● Emirates $300
● Swiss Air $250
● Thai Air $150 per board (yes, they open the bag and count)
● United $200
● All Nippon $300
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